Jade Rivers


Scholar Since



RISE Essay Competition

Degree Major



1st Year


Little Rock, Arkansas

Why is architecture special to you?

 Architecture is special to me because it's a solution to many problems worldwide. I can be part of the change by doing my part to produce creative and innovative projects.

What do you hope to accomplish as an architect/designer in the future?

I hope to be a leader for my generation in order demonstrate a lifestyle of sustainability and balance. Specifically, I would like to rebrand what the idea of "home" looks like by creating housing that supports creativity, health, and originality!

What is something you are looking forward to in design school this year?

In summer studio I'm looking forward to building models and meeting likeminded students. 

“The artwork that I submitted was my latest commission! I have a business painting murals and custom artwork! I painted everything by hand, and it was a solo job. “